

I LMAO when I read the letters to the FCC about Robert Novak. Some of them had to have been written by the same person! I'm surprised people with this kind of world view can even afford computers.

The Smoking Gun


Blogger ~art said...

some of those letters were down right scary in and of themselves. I mean it is cable tv. when you buy cable the same as going to a movie you have an understanding of what you may see and hear and if you don't want to well don't go or push that little channel changing button on your remote. I mean the buy said bullshit. big friggin deal.

9/08/2005 5:25 AM  
Blogger Yankeebob said...

I read through 10 of those letters. I had to stop because I was laughing too hard and I was disgusted at the same time.

The one where the person claimed that their kids were running around saying bullshit and couldn't be stopped was the best. If they were my kids, they would stop.

How many of those dorks say that word daily? Probably all of them plus a few worse words.

9/08/2005 8:03 AM  

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