
A little ray of sunshine

A mini one. Had my first real laugh of the week last night. I was laying in bed watching a couple of episodes of Rock Star INXS that I had Tivo'd, and the husband was asleep. Sometimes he talks in his sleep -- just says something random. Sometimes he just cusses. Sleep cursing? Anyway, last night he said something about frogs. I like to talk to him when he's talking in his sleep, to see if I can understand what he's saying. He says frogs again, then sits up and starts looking around, talking about frogs. I say, "where?" He says, "everywhere" and starts feeling the bed around him like he sees frogs. His eyes aren't really open, but he's trying to focus in on all the frogs he says he sees.

I tell him to lay down, that everything's alright and there are no frogs. He says there are. He lays down anyway. He keeps talking about the frogs and I say "what frogs? Where are the frogs?" He says, "with the pigs." At that point, I just started laughing out loud. I was busting a gut and because I was laughing, he starts laughing. In his sleep. He's laying there, and every time I laugh out loud, he laughs. Then he snores. He was totally out of it. It was hilarious.

It's nice to laugh.


Blogger MomMega: mothersmilkblog.com said...

There's nothing better than someone laughing in their sleep. It's so pure and funny!

Glad that you are feeling better!

8/27/2005 10:42 AM  
Blogger Cece Martinez said...

That made ME laugh!
Sleeping men are so cute...

8/27/2005 7:29 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

It IS good to laugh, especially at someone else!

8/28/2005 6:34 PM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

All: Agreed!

8/28/2005 9:02 PM  
Blogger peachy said...

That's too funny. I was laughing reading about you guys laughing. *snore* hee hee.

8/29/2005 4:52 AM  
Blogger •♥•m•♥• said...

LOL.....tanx I needed that :)

9/15/2005 9:33 PM  

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