
Change of plans

I ended up surfing the web and then catching up on Tivo last night. The mall was going to open at 8:00 a.m. so I thought I'd go early and get my shopping done. Then I stayed up 'til 2:00 a.m. I had to set my alarm on a Sunday morning! It went off at 7:00 and I just wasn't ready. I got up a little after 8:00 and threw on some clothes, put my hair up in a pony tail and headed out before 8:30. It was raining out, which I thought was great and might keep some people at home. I got to the mall, got a space right near the entrance and went in. Walked to the other end of the mall and worked my way back. It was great! I think I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping. I have a few more odds & ends to pick up, but I think I'm just going to go to the downtown mall across from my office. I'm only working 3 days this week, and I'm sure it'll fly. I'm feeling pretty good about where I am with my to-do list right now.

I forgot to follow up re: the holiday party the husband and I went to on Friday at the managing partner's house. That was a first for me, and a good chance to let some of the partners put a face with my name as they get used to me being in my new position. I was nervous going in, but I thought it went well and was glad I went. Nice old house in the south area, built in the 20s but obviously very well taken care of. They had it catered by Fat's, one of several family owned Chinese restaurants in the area.

I think I'm starting to solidify a Christmas dinner menu. Here's what I'm thinking:

Ribeye roast;
Asparagus (and maybe some kind of white sauce);
Skin-on red mashed potatoes;
Some kind of hot, fresh, crusty bread;
Dessert (cheesecake? I dunno.)

For an appetizer I'll maybe have some kind of cheese and also do a hot dip/cracker thing.

And, of course, there will be alcohol. If you're hanging out in my house, cocktails will be available!

So I got a bunch of Christmas shopping done today, and bought myself a thing or two -- most notably, some black tennis shoes that caught my eye. I've gotta go take stock of what I have and wrap what I bought today -- I am SO glad I've been wrapping things as I've bought them! Then I just have to figure out what's left to buy. The hard part is the "what." My dad is so hard to buy for!

Anyway, I'd better get to it. Ciao!


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