
Must . . . wake . . . up

I woke up at 7 this morning -- only because the husband called to ask me a question. I barely made it in. Why do I insist on staying up so late knowing I won't be able to get up in the morning? He left at 5:30 and I was gonna get up and go to the gym. Didn't happen. Maybe if I was getting up to go to the lottery commission and pick up a check for $50 mil.

I think I need a Jamba Juice. With an energy boost. I got a mountain of filing to get to, and today's the day. I hate filing.

Did I mention we're doing our bathroom at home? We did the main one last December, and now it's time to get the one in our room. The husband has torn it all apart, and instead of another shower pan we bought a tub. A big one. A Jacuzzi one. We picked it up the other day from Lowe's -- an hour-long adventure (this is AFTER we'd already been there to order it and received a call telling us it was in). Funny how these places seem to have, for every 2 people working, 4 others standing around, slack-jawed, and spacing out. SO irritating. I just sat and watched in disbelief while the husband chased people around to get what he was after. Some doofus actually put a giant roll of carpet or area rug down by the customer service counter, across the only entrance/exit to the customer service area so employees had to step over it -- and it was so long that it extended past a bench in one direction, and past a checkout line in the other direction. I watched customers and employees alike trip over this thing. This is probably the most litigious country in the world and a major corporation doesn't have people sufficiently trained not to do that?

I got tired of waiting on the hard-ass bench and found some office chairs situated in front of some computer terminals that they use for people to fill out employment applications. Posted on the wall were printed signs saying, "If you use illegal drugs, you need not apply." Guess that tells me all I need to know about the kind of people who are attracted to those jobs. Personally, I'd rather have an industrious stoned dude behind the counter than the tards that were there. Honestly. Why are there so many dumb people in the world? Who is raising all these dumb people? I probably know the answer to that: no one. Note to parents: parenting involves more than babysitting a kid for 18 years and then sending them off into the world.


The husband and I are talking about having a baby. Like REAL soon. Of course, he wants to get going on this project immediately if not sooner. For me, I feel like that just starts the clock on getting ready for the big event. I'm not ready! We agreed to give it a month. I can't believe we're actually planning this. It makes me nervous -- probably something to do with the fact that I'm the one that's gonna have to go through it! It scares me.

Alrighty then, I gotta get going on some things!


Blogger MomMega: mothersmilkblog.com said...

First of all:

Ooooooohhhh!!! Jacuzzi tub!!! Color me jealous!!


Oooooohhhh!!! Baby time!!! Good luck and all that!!

8/03/2005 9:31 AM  
Blogger Yankeebob said...

I've had similar experiences at Lowe's. It's worse at Home Depot. They just don't even bother to talk to you there. "Hire the handicapped, they're fun to watch."

Skip out on the kid making thing. It's much worse trying to live with a kid than you can imagine. I'm not trying to be a bummer or anything. That's just my take on the subject. :)

8/03/2005 11:50 AM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

MM: Yup, can't wait to fire up that tub! As for the baby thing, well, I'm shakin' in my boots.

YB: Dang, YB! That's tellin' it like it is. Well, I do have a stepdaughter who is with us almost half the time, and it's not awful -- she's a good kid. I would hope my own offspring would be as well behaved.

8/03/2005 1:29 PM  
Blogger Jammie J. said...

Oh God, I will feel the same way about baby planning when that time comes. It never seems like I *feel* ready to do anything major. But somehow I'm sorta (half assed) ready when it finally happens. Argh.

8/03/2005 1:41 PM  
Blogger grace said...


and... WHOA!!!!

8/04/2005 9:41 AM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

J: Are we related?

Grrrace: I KNOW!

8/05/2005 6:04 AM  

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