
This is a new one

My horoscope today has me wondering . . .

"If you feel strongly about women's rights, then today will give the opportunity to show your assets. People will be impressed by your personality and may even offer you a new job or perhaps another business proposal. You won't be able to turn down this proposition and you will feel totally free and totally satisfied."

Not sure what women's rights has to do with it, but I like a positive spin!

Oh! And yesterday my HR Director offered me the opportunity to go to a 2-day workshop re: graphic design & layout for the desktop publishing part of my job -- not only how to design newsletters, but brochures, ads, catalogs, reports, proposals, presentation materials and whatever else you could possbly want to produce! Wouldn't it be cool if the Marketing Department decided to start giving me projects? This could even help me w/getting the husband's business going. He wants to get his contractors license -- and I have been wondering how to pull some of that stuff together. Score! 2 days away from work -- I get to be a student! I was stunned. Obviously she didn't have to do that; it tells me a lot about where I stand w/the firm and how important this newsletter is to them! I do love doing it. I'm about to put out my 3rd issue -- I can't wait! This really is the first time in forever that I have been excited about going to work. Now, I just need to get to that mountain of filing I've been avoiding . . .


Blogger peachy said...

The women's rights thing is a little off compared to the rest of the horoscope, but hopefully it will be right.

I have to get a newsletter done tonight. I'm the real slacker.

7/28/2005 6:40 AM  

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