
Where the hell have I been?!

I'm watching "101 Biggest Celebrity Oops" on E! and I just heard a term I'd never heard before: "jumping the shark." Apparently it's the precise moment most people agree a television show started to go downhill. How did I miss this? I love words and phrases. I practically live for them! Well, I'd never heard of it. Wikipedia says this:

"Jumping the shark is a metaphor used by US television critics since the 1990s. The phrase, popularized by Jon Hein on his web site www.jumptheshark.com, is used to describe the moment when a television show or similar episodic medium is in retrospect judged to have passed its "peak" and shows a noticeable decline in quality. Most "jump the shark" moments are a noticeable change in the show, such as a main cast member leaving or a change in setting, which are subsequently quoted as the marker point signifying when the show's decline started. Frequently "jump the shark" is used to describe a series that has undergone drastic changes as a result of a ratings decline that has already occured, especially when the changes do little to halt or reverse this decline. Hein also uses the "jumping the shark" concept to describe other areas of pop culture, such as music and celebrities, for whom a drastic change was the beginning of the end."

Interesting. Jumptheshark.com is like the grim reaper for television shows! Weird.


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