
Everybody's Working for the Weekend

That's some old school guitar rock rolling through my head right about now. It's not quite 6:00 a.m., I woke up once or twice in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, and suddenly it was 5:00 a.m. Actually, it was 4:50. Sometimes I hate the fact that the husband has to be to work by 6:00! He hates it more. But he sure does like being off at 2:30! I swear we're still like kids when it comes to going to bed -- staying up as late as possible. I don't know what it is, but I just can't make myself go to bed at 9:00. Or 9:30. Or even 10:00 a lot of the time! I'd better get over that or my mornings are always gonna be the same!

I just saw a commercial on TV that we saw for the first time the other day. Jason's grandfather's companion ("girlfriend" of about 15 years) won almost 200 grand on a lot machine at an Indian casino not far from here and she's cheezin' on the screen holding a big check. I guess those billboards and commercials are full of real people who won money, now that we know someone that's won. We're happy for her, but bitter that it's not us! We figure after taxes she'll still have about a hundred grand. Oh, what we could do with a hundred grand!

When is that lottery ever gonna come through for us?!

Until then, I guess I'd better get my ass to the grocery store so I don't have to deal w/the crowds after work -- then all I gotta do is get to the gym tonight. It's only been a week, but we've been 5 times so far. The husband is going golfing tonight, so I'm going on my own. I feel like I'm on a roll!

Speaking of rolls, I gotta get off this computer and over to Safeway. Later!


Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Grrrace: Oh THAT. Uh, yeah -- why can't I just have a premonition about those numbers just ONCE?

7/01/2005 5:41 AM  

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