
What Blogger am I?

I've decided people are idiots. I don't think they do it on purpose; they clearly can't help it. I was driving home from work today and everywhere I look, I see idiotic behavior. A car in front of me takes forever to change lanes. I wonder what he is doing. Then I get next to him, and see he is up to his elbows digging in his nose. I try not to look. *looking* I try harder not to look. *look again* It's like a train wreck. His hands are huge. They are stretching his nostril like a shoe horn.

In front of him, another idiot. I know women often put on make up while they are driving. She was stopped, but she was using an eyelash curler. I don't understand the need for curled eyelashes in the first place, nevermind while driving. All the better for batting your eyes at the police officer, I suppose.

As I continue driving, I am stuck behind one idiot after another. People driving 30 mph. People changing lanes at the last minute. People slowing down before an intersection with a green light for no apparent reason. I'm just trying to get to the auto body shop to have the damage to my car estimated.

Well, I finally got there, early, and got my estimate. It all went very smoothly. The guy even wrote a check in the amount of his estimate to the body shop of my choice. I took it straight to the body shop and dropped off my car so it can be fixed while I am on vacation.

So it all worked out.

Now, I must focus on getting ready for this trip. By this time tomorrow, I fully expect to be watching my first sunset in Cancun, beer in hand, husband by side. It's gonna fucking rock. I've done my part for this project. Hopefully someone can guess who I'm trying to be. Be gentle if I didn't pull it off. I did the best I could.


Blogger grace said...

uhm. that's it. anyone i can't guess, i'm just going to guess nina or cece.

because i'm lame like that. hehehe.

anyway, i've gotta be right one of these times!!!

6/14/2005 10:35 PM  
Blogger grace said...

btw, have fun on vaca! :)

6/14/2005 10:36 PM  
Blogger peachy said...

Have a great trip.
I'm guessing LAH.

6/15/2005 5:40 AM  
Blogger Yankeebob said...

It's funny that no one guessed YB. Not even I did. That's the problem with having no definite writing style. Maybe I need to be more.... something.....

6/15/2005 9:29 AM  
Blogger a beer sort of girl said...

Bob! I knew it was Bob, because you were talking about people on the road. But the game is over now, & I didn't get here early enough. Ahh well.

6/15/2005 12:28 PM  

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