
Another Monday Come & Gone

Testing the "blog this" button. I added a counter and a guest book to my blog the other day just to see how they work and try to add more to my page. Not that there's any reason for anyone to be looking for my blog at this point! I finished my "I Don't Know What I Want, But I Know It's Not This!" book on Friday, so that's 2 down and a zillion to go. I broke my "Cool Careers for Dummies" book back out. It's much newer than the other two -- just got it a couple months ago -- so it should be a little more relevant. And now that I've been doing some brainstorming and soul-searching about my career and life, I think it might hold some more relevance for me.

I also e-mailed my HR Director about the fact that I'm wasting away up in Water Law. Can't take that much longer. Even with all the other stuff I can do while I do the things required at that desk in my sleep -- I just feel like my skills are being wasted. Time to move on. At least in a place like this I can move around without moving out, until I'm ready that is. I did offer myself up if the South Placer office ever expands. That would alleviate 1) the downtown commute; 2) the parking situation; and 3) no water law! But in the mean time, I'll just log the time at the firm and concentrate on how I'm going to move away from the legal secretarial role.

Right now, though, I need to finish getting our tax stuff together because we're meeting with the tax man tomorrow! PRAYING for a good refund -- PLEASE! We so need it right now. Really. REALLY. I swear I keep looking and looking for ways to make cuts and save money, but it's still always hard to come by. I guess I should give us some credit for the fact that we've been living on cash for the most part and paying any credit off in full each month and still managing to save some money (only Jason's vacation, but a few months ago we couldn't even save that). Wow! I feel a little better already. But we could be doing better . . .

More later.


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