
Coincidence? I think not!

My e-mail horoscope for tomorrow just landed in my in-box and, given my earlier (original) ranting, I found it quite a coinky-dink:

"Take care of your home base today, MAUREEN, both physically and emotionally. See that your bills are paid, and that your bedroom is picked up. Don't forget to clean out the dirt from under your bed, and the demons from inside your mind. Realize that you might be running on someone else's operating disk that got stuck in your hard drive. Make sure you replace it with your own system disk before you continue on."

What's this? It's saying (in a much more succinct fashion, I must admit) that I need to clear the clutter from my surroundings, stop doting on others so much and attend to myself! How can this be? Now I admit I generally only choose to believe my horoscope when it is favorable, but sometimes I really wonder how they can be so right on . . . after I just wrote about this very stuff? I just can't be cynical about it right now.

I took care of some things I needed to get done today (as well as took care of some things for my husband and stepdaughter -- can't just abandon everyone and do what I want!) and spent some time wandering around Barnes & Noble. I didn't really get settled in there, but I decided I should come home & take stock of the relevant books I have that I need to get through before investing in any more, but also to get a better idea of the direction I want to go in insofar as research is concerned. I feel optimistic about this spark that is igniting in me right now. Please let me have the strength, wisdom, inspiration and follow-through that I need to take me somewhere different! :o)


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