
January 2005 - time to start putting pen to paper . . .

. . . and taking action on all the things I keep saying I'm gonna do some day and somehow never find the time! Actually, that's not true; my real problem is that most annoying beast procrastination. After I do this, that, or the other thing, THEN I'll finally sit down and teach myself html, learn that other program I've been wanting to learn, research that business I want to start, blah, blah, blah. Enough! The first week of 2005 has passed and it is time for some major change.

I have, with the help of my husband, accomplished a lot of things on my eternal to-do list over the past year (not the least of which was planning and having our wedding). I am actually to the point that a lot of the things that I've said were keeping me from taking the time and really figuring out what I want to do when I "grow up" are no longer an issue. So I am left without excuses and, at 33 years old, ready to find something more interesting to do with my life than answer someone else's phones, take someone else's messages, make changes to someone else's documents, make someone else's travel arrangements, file someone else's papers and whatever else I am doing for someone other than myself! I like doing things for other people but I'd rather do it in the form of a service for a customer, my customer, than in an assistant capacity to someone else. I want to be the master of my own domain! I want to be the one to decide what my schedule is going to be from day to day. I want to be the one to decide when I am going on vacation. And I want to be able to afford to go on vacation!

I want I want I want. One of my New Year's resolutions, aside from the old stand-bys of get in shape and be a better person, is to take care of myself. Make my life, my career, my goals, a priority. I have been doing for others for a long time and while it is not without its rewards, I am feeling drained in a way that a person my age should not be. So I am going to take steps to end that. I will have to have a few projects running concurrently:

1. clearing clutter from my surroundings;
2. allowing others to take more responsibility for themselves;
3. investigating what I would enjoy doing for 8-10-12-14 hours a day instead of what I have to do all day right now in order to pay the bills;
4. making exercise a priority so my health is not an issue; and
5. spending more time planning things and less time reacting to things or just trying to keep up.

I think that's a good start: a 5-point plan. I think I need to spend some time browsing some relevant sites on line and haunting book stores, maybe make an appointment with a career counselor and get something going. I need some more experience in things that will help me move forward! What am I interested in?

* writing
* editing
* planning (oddly enough, mostly for others)
* managing details
* photography
* interior design
* cooking
* education
* publishing
* entertainment

A short brainstorming session. I like this blog format, essentially formless and a simple portable place to store lots of thoughts. I keep trying to make myself keep some kind of journal but I have a hard time sticking with them and prefer typing -- faster! Maybe this is what I've been looking for. I can write mock articles on anything I want and copy and submit them wherever I want. I want to be published! I have so many books I've bought over the years to get my career, my finances, and myself in shape and, as procrastinators do, have either failed to read or only started to read most of them. I started to address that over the summer but somewhere I lost my way. At least the finances are starting to take shape and I've been holding on as far as my physical health is concerned. I've got work to do, but my career is in the saddest shape of all . . . no shape, really. I used to be ahead of the game in terms of my skills, abilities, and position, but now I feel myself falling behind, stagnating, and it is causing great mental stress. I want more from my life. I need more. I DESERVE more! I shall have it.

So I guess my next step is to get off the computer for a while and get moving. More to follow . . .


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