Someone's Got a Case of the Mondays
So here it is Monday again, and I am wishing I had just one more (eternal) day in my weekend. I (re-)started reading a book that I have had for a couple of YEARS now called "101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women." How's that for procrastination?! Oh, how I would LOVE to work from home. Or, at the very least, work for myself. In the past, I've been afraid to really do anything about it because (aside from being unsure what venture I want to pursue) I never really felt like I could make enough money at it to quit working for someone else . . . but after much thought, I realized I don't have to make that much. Making what I make in a year in a private venture wouldn't be that hard! I would just need to make enough to meet my current salary, pay taxes and contribute to an IRA. And if I was only working for myself, out of the house, what would my overhead be? Oh yeah, I definitely need to move forward. There are so many people who work for themselves, and I even know a few -- some of whom never went to college or had any significant business training, and all of whom are young -- that have taken that leap and seem to be doing alright. They're not rolling in dough, but they also don't answer to a boss and are able to make their own schedule. Some of them have to work many, many hours but they enjoy what they do so they don't seem to mind so much. And if they really need to take time off, they can and no one looks at them sideways. I need that kind of control in my life, and not just because an employer likes me enough to give it to me (though I doubt very much I would ever reach that point with my current employer, because their rules re: staff are pretty hard and fast and I don't care to be "staff" anymore). I need to put in a little time every day, whether it's reading or doing other research, meeting with career counselors, taking classes, whatever -- I've got to get a move on. So, off I go.
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