
Already Wednesday!

Time is passing pretty quickly this week, irrespective of my boring workdays. I meant to post some things the other day and time just got away from me! I was watching an episode of one of my favorite shows recently, "Inside the Actor's Studio," and I couldn't quite remember which guest's interview it was (I thought Francis Ford Coppola but now think maybe Barbra Streisand), but I remember quite distinctly a quote that hit me like a ton of bricks: "at the moment of commitment, the universe conspires to assist you." I had this sudden realization that my failure to decide upon a course of action relative to my career (or lack thereof) has been my biggest stumbling block in this whole process. I keep waiting for a profession to call out to me, or for some other fortuitous circumstance to befall me -- what the hell am I waiting for? I can still change my mind later if I want. I need to do something different! I tried to do that at HP without much success, and found myself back in law, my bread and butter. And I don't necessarily want out of law, but I want to be in it in a different capacity (law office management?). Anyway, I thought that quote was perhaps the closest thing to an epiphany or fortuitous circumstance I was gonna get. Kinda like HELLOOOOOOOOO, wake up and DO something, DA! So, if I am to believe this quote that seems to me to be most logical, if I get the ball rolling things will fall into place. And I should know, based on my previous experiences, that they really will. I do remember something that Francis Ford Coppola said in his "Inside the Actor's Studio" interview that struck me: he said don't wait to do things until this or that or the other thing happens. For instance, getting married, having kids, taking chances with your career -- don't wait for everything to be just so in order to strike out. And I should know this. He said when he found out his wife was pregnant, knowing they had pretty much nothing, that it motivated him to make things happen and he built upon that. It is true, you do what you have to to make things work. I've just always looked at the other side, especially re: having kids (or, in my case, probably 1 kid if any) that I don't want to be irresponsible and financially strapped and all that because I didn't consider the impact having a child would have. But I know I could handle it. All I have to do is look around me to see everyone else that does it -- and their circumstances are often nowhere near as good as mine (i.e., I'm married, own a home, have a reliable vehicle, a stable job in a stable industry -- even if I do want to change it). I need to just do what I want to do and make it work.

Oh! And I had another epiphany this week (what a week -- all this deep thinking about life & what I want is bringing it out of me, I think): of the possibilities out there to own a business, whether starting it myself or buying into a franchise or a distributorship (which I didn't even know the definition of until reading about them the other day) and other such opportunities, how much fun would it be to own a HALLMARK store?! They are usually located in malls (bonus), have the cutest stuff (much of which I buy) and most of their stuff is relevant year round -- though Christmas & Valentine's Day could probably sustain the business the rest of the year if they sold nothing else). Unfortunately, I would need to have $500,000 in net worth and something like $250k-$350 in liquid cash to make it happen. But I don't think that idea is dead yet because I'm reading up on ways to make such dreams a reality. I'm tired of working for the man! It was cool because though I've thought before about wanting to work for myself, I never really saw myself in a business (except, possibly, owning a pizza parlor or a sports bar -- go figure) until the Hallmark idea came up. I love it! More brainstorming to follow . . .


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