
Birthday Month

It's a good thing that, a long time ago, my best friend decided that the month in which one's birthday occurs is officially the "birthday month." Because if today was all I had, well, let's just say it wouldn't have been anything to write home about. Isn't that always the way? Today was just a continuation of the previous days' dramas . . . and so, I have decided that I am not 34 today. It's simply the 4th anniversary of my 30th birthday, and I shall not acknowledge 34 until such time as I have had a proper glass (bottle) of champagne and/or a glass (twelver) of Sierra Nevada. Who's with me?

My dad sent me an e-mail today reminding me of all those with whom I share a birthday. I knew about some of them (Morrison, Basinger) but not all. As is my father's tendency, it's a little on the dark side. Suits me just fine. Here it is, in part:

"What do you have in common with . . .

Gregg Allman, Jim Morrison, Sinead O’Connor, Teri Hatcher, Kim Basinger, David Carradine, Sammy Davis, Jr., Flip Wilson and Mary, Queen of Scots…

As if you didn’t know. But you’re younger than all and a hell of a lot less dead than some of the people with whom you share a birthday. Happy 34th…we’re a long way from Tyndall AFB, Florida on 12-8-71."

Let us not forget this is also the 25th anniversary of John Lennon's death. What a waste. Sometimes I wonder what other music he had in him, that we never got to hear.

Any-hoo, tomorrow will have to be the day for something more on the side of celebratory -- 'cuz today just didn't cut it!


Blogger peachy said...

So what happened? I thought you had the day off yesterday?

Enjoy your bday month.

12/09/2005 7:37 AM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Peachy: I did have the day off, but the husband called a few hours after he got to work and told me he was having debilitating back pain so he came home and I took him to the doctor, who only referred him to a physical therapist, and in the mean time, he is incapable of working. The doctor told him not to bend, stoop or lift anything. He's a PLUMBER. He builds commercial buildings. The doctor told him he could do sedentary work. His employer doesn't have desk jobs! So after calling the doctor again he wrote a note for him stating he can only do sedentary work and otherwise can't work so he can go do his physical therapy. Then we had to go back to the doctor's office to get the note and do some paperwork so we can deal with the fact that he will have no money coming in while he's on disability. Big fun. Anyway, it was all just really stressful and while there's never a good time for this kind of financial hit, the holidays are a particularly bad time. But I think we'll be okay.

12/09/2005 7:54 AM  
Blogger peachy said...

Oh! I didn't mean to be in your business, but you already know that. I can't believe it. That's horrible. Right..any time is a bad time for someone to be out of work, but the holidays are even worse.

I hope the therapy works and he can get back to work. I wish you guys the best, PG. :)

12/09/2005 11:22 AM  

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