
Victory is Mine!

I ruled at Uno tonight! We didn't play to 500 points. 500 points would have taken forever!

The cat's taking her drops pretty well. She obviously doesn't like them, but she hasn't had any kind of violent reaction to us giving them to her. She started her diet kitty food today, too. She doesn't seem to mind it.

I don't think I did a whole hell of a lot today -- I only left the house once, and that was to grab something to eat. I caught up on some stuff on Tivo and made chili and cornbread for dinner.

There was one other thing . . . my dad called this morning to tell me not to buy tickets to Aerosmith and Lenny Kravitz because that was the rest of my birthday present. YEAH! We're gonna be sitting in box seats for the best show in town, bitches!

Happy birthday to me. It's still 5 days away, but it was a nice early present. My sister's birthday is tomorrow. She's only gonna be 20! Then again, I can't believe she's 20. I remember like yesterday when she was only the stepdaughter's age!

Time to go do some more nothin'.


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