
And how did you spend YOUR $1,200.00 today?

We spent ours getting the mechanical problems fixed on the husband's truck. @#%#! I hate car problems. It's been an expensive two days, between the body shop and the auto shop -- and we're only gonna get reimbursed for part of it. I certainly hope there's a lotto win around the corner somewhere . . .

I'm off for the next two days. Tomorrow's my birthday, and I prefer not to work on my birthday. The day after is a Friday, and why go back to work on a Friday? I have no real plans and, after the way the past few weeks have gone, no money, but I think I'm going to take the time anyway -- to work on some stuff around the house, get ready for Christmas and all that. Hopefully by Monday I'll have my ducks in a row.

My first order of business is to go catch up on some Tivo and then sleep in a little tomorrow. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Blogger peachy said...

Happy Birthday!!!!
Hope you have a nice long weekend.

12/08/2005 5:11 AM  

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