
Ever Heard of James Blunt?

I hadn't, before last night. He was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live (the host was Dane Cook -- I just know I'm gonna blow a beverage out my nose one day watching him, he's so funny!). Anyway, I often fast forward through the musical guest if I don't like who it is or don't know who it is and am not drawn in by the first 30 seconds or so of the song. I've already watched his set a few times now. I don't know what it is, but I can't get those songs out of my head. I think I need to find his CD! It's called Back to Bedlam, and all I know about him is it's his debut CD and I believe he's British. So yeah -- I think I need to go find the James Blunt CD and a Dane Cook comedy CD. He has a site, and I found this pic posted on the message boards on his site by someone who saw him perform, I think, on Friday:

The songs he played were "You're Beautiful" and "Goodbye My Lover." Loved 'em.

As for Dane Cook, his opening monologue was straight stand-up. I laughed my ass off -- and he topped it off w/a bit about launching a cashew off what he called his "lead singer." If you didn't see it, you should find it. SO funny! I can't wait 'til he comes through town:

Music and comedy are the best. Other than that and lip gloss, I really don't think I need much else!


Blogger peachy said...

What type of music does he sing? I've never heard of him, but I hardly know the singers they have on that show anymore. Besides, I'm usually sleeping when SNL comes on. Oh, I'm getting so old and lame.

12/05/2005 6:43 AM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

I'm no music critic, so it's hard for me to even make that designation unless it's completely obvious -- but I'd say the songs I've heard constitute mellow, melodic and pop-like. Two comparisons I've seen are Elton John and Norah Jones.

P.S. Sometimes I'm up for it, but I generally Tivo SNL!

12/05/2005 7:47 AM  

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