

I forgot to mention that the possibility of working out of the office that's closer to my house has evaporated. They decided to go w/the chick who has worked out there before covering for the girl who's leaving. I had a fair idea that's the way it would go, but it was worth looking into. At the very least, I've made it known that I'd be interested in working out there, say, if the office expanded . . .

I'm all about being the squeaky wheel these days.

My HR Director called to tell me and seemed to be concerned that I would be disappointed. I told her I was fine with it -- that I wasn't surprised and that I was struggling with whether it was the right thing anyway. They just made the decision for me. Now I can concentrate on making what I can out of what I'm doing already -- hopefully expanding my role on the administrative side. She said she was glad because she wanted to keep me at the downtown office anyway -- and the attorney I met with yesterday has a reputation of being rather high maintenance, so perhaps it's for the best. I have a low tolerance for high-maintenance people and would probably get myself in trouble!


Blogger grace said...

well, at least it worked out for the best :)

8/05/2005 9:36 AM  

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