
Yay husband!

I worked a few extra hours today (and will again tomorrow) to try and make up for some of the time I was out this week dealing with my garage door drama, so I didn't leave the office 'til after 6:00. I asked the husband if he wanted to get dinner started, and he said "nah, I can wait 'til you get home." I thought, "that sucks," but whatever. We were only making burgers anyways so it's not like it was gonna be complicated.

When I got home 20 minutes later, he was out grilling burgers and the sweetbread was toasting. He was messing w/me! What a nice little surprise. I like it when I come home and dinner's almost done! He did a good job. I didn't even mind that I had a burger for lunch today. Besides, I only had half a burger, and some onion rings and fries. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

That reminds me . . . my friend and I had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe and fully intended to order beer w/lunch. They were out of the beer my friend ordered, so she got something else, then they come back and tell me they're out of Sierra Nevada! Blasphemy! I almost said, "why don't you tell me what you DO have and save us all some trouble!" But I didn't. We might have given her a slightly hard time. Just a friendly ribbing. I ended up having a Pepsi. Probably better, since I worked a long day.

Now I'm eating some bite-sized Milky Ways that we're keeping in the fridge. My grandpa used to keep the "fun-size" ones in the freezer, but I find that it takes me about 10 minutes to gnaw them into bite-size pieces. The fridge is just right. Yum!


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