What's This?
"You can expect to reap the benefits from your recent training or studies, MAUREEN. You have taken a huge leap in ability, especially where your technological skills are concerned. As a result, you can expect to receive either a promotion or an increase in pay. It is the very least your bosses can do to reward you for all your hard efforts of late. If you continue at this pace you will soon be running the company!"
Hee hee hee . . . I know, I know, horoscope schmoroscope -- but still, the timing is impeccable. I guess I'll just keep workin' on collecting all those technological skills! I'm still waiting to find out what they're going to do about the fact that one of my attorneys' last day is tomorrow. Will I get another attorney? I have no idea what to expect. Oh, the uncertainty.
One thing I am certain of is that my nose is irritating the crap out of me! Allergies haven't been real bad the past few days, but I am having the sneezing thing here and there -- and for some reason, my nose (on the outside) is tender to the touch like I got smacked in the face or something. I would think I would remember something like that, and it's not bruised but it sure as hell feels like it. What's up with that? Well, whatever it is, it's making sneezing extra fun. Hissssssssssssssssssss.
So it's what -- Thursday? First thing Thursday. So I guess we still have 2 days to the weekend. I have plenty to do, so it should pass quickly.
Oh! Almost forgot . . . yesterday after work I was driving on fumes so I hit the first gas station on my way out to fill up. While the gas pump was busy draining my wallet, I decided to go into the mini mart because I knew I wanted beer and we were out at home -- and I didn't want to have to make another stop. So I got some Sierra Nevada and walked up to the counter. The chick that was supposed to be behind the counter was in front of it, standing in front of a sunglass display using the mirror to put on lip gloss. It wasn't helping (Meeeeeeeeeow). Dumbass didn't even acknowledge my existence until she was done. One could argue that I was the DA for not just turning around and walking out, but 1) she wouldn't have cared and 2) I wanted that beer! So she saunters over to the cash register and rings me up. I see $12.99 pop up on the display and then tax & that goofy CRV (California Redemption Value thingy, I think) get added and suddenly it's like $16.77. So I look at her and say "how did we go from $12.99 to $16.77?" She looks down and realizes there was already a Red Bull sitting off to the side of the counter that she had apparently rung up but then not actually sold. Those things are $2.25 apiece, I guess. I snicker to myself about the fact that she couldn't even be bothered to void out that sale before she wandered off to attend to her lip gloss -- before I so rudely interrupted with my beer sale.
So then she takes another 5 minutes to void the transaction, or at least that's what I thought she was doing -- whatever she was doing, she took the frigging long way. Beep. Beep. Beep Beep. Boop Beep Beep Beep. Jesus God, woman, just clear it out and do it over again! I figured I'd better not say anything or her head might explode. By the time she was done, she handed me some change without a word, didn't bother to offer a receipt, and there was a line forming behind me. And I'm pretty sure the gas pump attached to my car was done emptying my wallet. As I stood there marveling at how it is that I always manage to find the dumbest people during the course of my day, I'm thinking it would be a wonder if she could find her way home from work.
Oh, well, I got my beer, my gas, and still got home before 5:30. Booyah!
Hee hee hee . . . I know, I know, horoscope schmoroscope -- but still, the timing is impeccable. I guess I'll just keep workin' on collecting all those technological skills! I'm still waiting to find out what they're going to do about the fact that one of my attorneys' last day is tomorrow. Will I get another attorney? I have no idea what to expect. Oh, the uncertainty.
One thing I am certain of is that my nose is irritating the crap out of me! Allergies haven't been real bad the past few days, but I am having the sneezing thing here and there -- and for some reason, my nose (on the outside) is tender to the touch like I got smacked in the face or something. I would think I would remember something like that, and it's not bruised but it sure as hell feels like it. What's up with that? Well, whatever it is, it's making sneezing extra fun. Hissssssssssssssssssss.
So it's what -- Thursday? First thing Thursday. So I guess we still have 2 days to the weekend. I have plenty to do, so it should pass quickly.
Oh! Almost forgot . . . yesterday after work I was driving on fumes so I hit the first gas station on my way out to fill up. While the gas pump was busy draining my wallet, I decided to go into the mini mart because I knew I wanted beer and we were out at home -- and I didn't want to have to make another stop. So I got some Sierra Nevada and walked up to the counter. The chick that was supposed to be behind the counter was in front of it, standing in front of a sunglass display using the mirror to put on lip gloss. It wasn't helping (Meeeeeeeeeow). Dumbass didn't even acknowledge my existence until she was done. One could argue that I was the DA for not just turning around and walking out, but 1) she wouldn't have cared and 2) I wanted that beer! So she saunters over to the cash register and rings me up. I see $12.99 pop up on the display and then tax & that goofy CRV (California Redemption Value thingy, I think) get added and suddenly it's like $16.77. So I look at her and say "how did we go from $12.99 to $16.77?" She looks down and realizes there was already a Red Bull sitting off to the side of the counter that she had apparently rung up but then not actually sold. Those things are $2.25 apiece, I guess. I snicker to myself about the fact that she couldn't even be bothered to void out that sale before she wandered off to attend to her lip gloss -- before I so rudely interrupted with my beer sale.
So then she takes another 5 minutes to void the transaction, or at least that's what I thought she was doing -- whatever she was doing, she took the frigging long way. Beep. Beep. Beep Beep. Boop Beep Beep Beep. Jesus God, woman, just clear it out and do it over again! I figured I'd better not say anything or her head might explode. By the time she was done, she handed me some change without a word, didn't bother to offer a receipt, and there was a line forming behind me. And I'm pretty sure the gas pump attached to my car was done emptying my wallet. As I stood there marveling at how it is that I always manage to find the dumbest people during the course of my day, I'm thinking it would be a wonder if she could find her way home from work.
Oh, well, I got my beer, my gas, and still got home before 5:30. Booyah!
That's awesome. But at least you got your beer!
GOD! i hate stupid ppl. GOD! just reading that made my blood boil.
BG: The fact that I was actually holding alcohol is probably the only reason I didn't get mad!
Grrrace: mmm hmm!
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