
Well hell

A few weeks ago I called Mig as the winner of Rockstar INXS. He's still in the running, down to the final 4 (at least, as far as I know -- I Have 1 episode on the Tivo yet to watch). My dark horse prediction, Marty, has been blowing it up since that post. Jordis, my favorite rocker chick, started fizzling out after she ate it doing Aerosmith's "Dream On." Not that she didn't have good performances after that, but that one was so bad, I don't think she ever fully recovered. So 2 of my 3 predictions for the finalists are still in.

As for the other 2 of the final 4, JD is still in -- not surprising, because I think he is good, but he was such a punk in the first few weeks that I thought he might turn off the band. However, he has shown a great deal of creativity in rearranging songs and then took a new song and went against the others he was supposed to be working with and came out with the best version of the song -- so much so that he has been asked to sing it again several times, and you can totally see the band rocking out to it. Add to that the fact that his voice often sounds an awful lot like Michael Hutchence did, and I can really see him fronting that band. Marty has also got some of that in him, and did an original song that I thought was great. The last of the final 4 is the one female left, Suzie, and she's really turned it up the past few weeks. She wasn't really even on my radar before, but she's pretty good. In comparison with those who are left, though, I just don't see them going with her when all is said and done.

I'm having some reservations about Mig in comparison with JD and Marty, and I just realized he's the only one who has yet to sing an INXS song on the show (because he's never been in the bottom 3 and forced to sing to determine if he would get to stay), and I don't know how he'd do with an INXS song. He'd have to really kick it up a notch to be on par with JD and Marty. I still like him best overall, but for the INXS job, I'm wavering. I gotta go watch this next episode and see who's out.


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