
Wedding Planner

My best friend told me last night that she's engaged. Yay! I get to be the wedding planner. My mind started racing immediately. So many things to talk about! We're meeting for lunch tomorrow -- margaritas & Mexican food ought to start us off nicely. She told me tonight she just wants to show up -- to the wedding, that is. Funny stuff. I know her better than that; girlfriend knows what she likes and she's not about to not have a hand in it. I think she just wants someone to hold her hand. No problem. Wedding planning, to me, is really simple -- it's the tight rope that everyone tries to walk with their friends and family that causes all the stress! Oh -- and the money part, of course, but I firmly believe you only have to do what you and your groom want to do, and not anything others expect you to, in putting on your wedding. So it's all a matter of what she wants.

Well, I've been racking my brain this evening, remembering all the vendors we used and resources I consulted and all that -- it was only a year and a half ago so it's not really a stretch but I haven't thought much about all that stuff since the wedding. I've also been darting from web site to web site to print some information that might be helpful for her -- check lists, marriage license info, etc. I just need to sit down with her and have her tell me what she envisions for her wedding, then I can put a bunch of options in front of her so she can pick & choose whatever she likes. I can't wait to get started!

I feel mania coming on. Gotta pace myself -- the wedding's a year out. I'm like Ed Grimley right now.


Blogger peachy said...

You sound so excited, it makes me excited.
I'm sure you'll find the folder with all your wedding stuff in it. Good luck!

9/12/2005 10:43 AM  
Blogger LE Sweetz said...

hey maybe you could be a wedding planner. my friend is thinking of transitioning into event planning. she's helped w/ several weddings and she's pretty good at it.

9/12/2005 4:25 PM  
Blogger TerraT said...

OMG, I totally did the same thing when my girlfriend called me to say she was engaged. I love being a fixer though!

Got a photographer in mind yet? haha. sorry shameless self advertisement. Best of luck! My gf's weddings in March and she's already said I'm pretty much in charge. So reading this made me feel lazy, what have I done lately? YIKES

9/13/2005 9:50 PM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Peachy: I did find that folder -- we had all kinds of stuff to talk about!

LE: I've totally thought about it -- I'm just hesitant about getting involved with potential bridezillas!

TT: I'm sure whatever you put together will be great -- you're obviously very creative!

9/14/2005 10:02 AM  

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