
Too Busy

I haven't had a chance to read or write for days. Unacceptable! Yesterday I went from work, to grabbing something to eat with the husband, to (where I spent the bulk of the evening) having my hair colored & cut, to filling up the gas tank ($49.57?!), to grocery shopping, to going home and putting away the groceries, to checking and responding to e-mail, to bed, to watching about an hour's worth of some stuff on Tivo. Then I had to get up this morning and do it all over again. I went to work, to running errands at lunch, back to work, then I need to get home, get dinner going, get laundry going, and do something about the piles of paper that are trying to take over my life and my house.


I've tried blowing things off and just doing what I want -- which just leads me to thinking about all the things I *should* be doing while I'm doing what I want. So, I'm trying to just do what needs to be done w/o thinking about it. It never ends. Does it? F!

I seriously need to come up with a way to make more money, and fast, before I have to start signing over my paychecks directly to Chevron and SMUD. I am so tired of being stretched thin.

And I'm ready for VACATION!

I'm still looking for a way to be on vacation for a living. Haven't found it yet. If I could get some kind of writing gig up and running, I guess I could halfway be on vacation for a living. At least I could do that from home, and stop spending so much money on GAS! We got our insurance renewal the other day and both homeowners' and auto insurance went up -- like by 10-15%! With no claims, no incidents, no nothing. WTF?! Seriously. I got the homeowners' back in check because they were offering a "professional occupation"-type discount of up to 12% -- for some reason, I could only get 10%. Whatever. It made the insurance what it was in the first place. But on the auto insurance, no dice. Another $172/year. Like $1650 a year total for both our autos. For what?! I am so tired of the insurance scam. I realize why we need it, and I'm sure it'll come in damned handy if the house burns down or the car blows up, but of course you get punished (rate increase or cancellation) if you actually dare to USE your policy, so ya gotta make it count -- and I'm tired of paying more than fifty cents on the dollar for insurance fraud.




How the fuck is anyone ever supposed to get ahead when raises are about 4% a year and the cost of living goes up about 20% a year?! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!

Okay, I'm a little frustrated.

And I know today's supposed to be HNT, but who has the time? Well, probably a lot of people but I didn't. Maybe later. It'll still be Thursday when I get home. For now, I have a massive paper tiger on my desk that must be tamed.

So I can then go home and wrestle with the one in my house.



Blogger peachy said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that's noticed the cost of living has increased more than 2-4%. It's crazy. Go drink margaritas. That's when you're happy. Or..start making them at home. HA!

9/16/2005 9:47 AM  

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