
Here comes football

The NFL preseason has officially begun. The Hall of Fame game is on right now. The husband is half passed out on the couch. Football. What I like about football is 1) fall; 2) beer & snacks. What I dislike about football is 1) 13 games every Sunday; 2) Monday nights; and 3) planning my life around ^&*@(#&%&#^! football games! Grrr.

This is why we were married in February -- because I wanted to have our wedding in a month w/o a zillion birthdays, other anniversaries, holidays or sports. Of course, I find out a year later that our anniversary falls on the weekend of the biggest race in his other favorite sport -- NASCAR. Yup, the Daytona* 500. Fuck me!

Well, I worked around football. I ain't working around NASCAR. He's just gonna have to tape it or watch it from whatever exotic locale we happen to be in -- if he can find it.

Sports is sometimes the bane of my existence. Football, basketball, baseball, auto racing -- how can men stand spending that much time on the couch? He wonders why he can't stay awake for more than 30 minutes at a time. Umm, welllllllllll -- try not laying down on the couch and pretending you're not going to fall asleep like the 9,457,382,329,532 times you've fallen asleep.

I have a feeling I'm going to even out this football season by doing some shopping. And lots of it.

*I incorrectly originally wrote "Indy."


Blogger LE Sweetz said...

i was flipping channels and that's when i found out the preseason started. my bf is soooo lucky that i like sports. i don't think i could date a guy who didn't watch some sports. hehe.

8/08/2005 7:46 PM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

LE: Don't get me wrong -- I can get into a good game now and then. I've learned a lot about football over the last 5 years. But, does he have to watch ALL of the sports?! It's a disease!

8/08/2005 8:03 PM  
Blogger Gary F. said...

As a recovering sports fanatic, I feel your pain. Um, just to set the record straight, I think NASCAR runs the Daytona 500 in February.

8/08/2005 8:38 PM  
Blogger Konrad said...

I think it's better than watching, ehhhhh porn? But maybe this could be more stimulating in a way. But listen, a joke comes to my mind. What is the favourite position of Canadiens? Answer: Doggy Style, because both of them can watch icehockey.

8/09/2005 12:19 AM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Gary: You're right . . . I didn't check that before I posted it. I knew it was something 500. For me, same diff.

Konrad: Yes, if he watched porn 3-5 hours a day several times a week we might have a problem. But still. It's a lot of frigging sports!

8/09/2005 5:40 AM  
Blogger grace said...

i hate sports. i'm glad steve doesn't keep up with it as much as other boys.

he doesn't have to watch all the games and shit like that. and he's def not into racing.

thank god. heh.

8/09/2005 10:09 AM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Grrrace: Lemme tell ya -- the husband DOES NOT MISS one Eagles game. Not one play of one game. Ever. He's just that serious about it. The NASCAR is slightly more negotiable -- but not much. He has a very physical job so he cherishes his couch time.

8/09/2005 2:12 PM  

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