
Fun & Fruity

That's the category these Popsicle Big StickĀ® Cherry/Pineapple things are under on their web site. I do love them, especially when it's a zillion degrees out. The husband likes to watch me eat them. For some reason, though, even though my teeth don't touch them, they are a little sensitive for a few minutes after I eat them. It's worth the pain.

I had to laugh at our cat because she loves to chew on paper and plastic -- especially plastic. So I'm sitting here in front of the computer finishing my Popsicle when the cat starts tugging at the plastic wrapper dangling from my other hand. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Cruncheta-cruncheta-cruncheta-cruncheta. I just sat there watching her, trying not to laugh so as not to scare her off. Finally I realized she wasn't going to stop any time soon so I had to go throw it away.

What's even more weird is, if the plastic is too big -- say, like a grocery bag or garbage bag, she goes running from it. She doesn't like the noise they make when you shake them out to put things in them. But if it was just sitting on the ground, she'd try to get in it. Or sit on it. And she likes to sit on paper. She must just have some weird sensory thing with paper and plastic! It's like a love/hate relationship.

Sometimes I'm easily amused, especially by animals. And manimals. Here they are together:


Blogger LE Sweetz said...

i like big sticks, too. hehehe. i used to eat a ton of those when i was younger.

8/17/2005 10:12 AM  
Blogger grace said...

i'll bet he loves to watch you eat them :P

8/17/2005 1:54 PM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

LE: Mmmmm cherry/pineapple.

Grace: He's a perv! :0)

8/17/2005 3:46 PM  

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