

My lunch today was leftover chicken parmagiana that I made last night, and some salad. Italian food makes for the best leftovers! And I only ate half so I can have it again tomorrow. 5 whole days of bringing my lunch! Yay me.

Last night we went to knock back a few beers with some friends, several of whom used to be co-workers. From the same twisted place. We like to call it BiteMe, which would be funnier if you knew the name of the place but with all these people gettin' in trouble for naming names on their blogs, I'll leave it at that.

So anyway, the reason for our Wednesday night gathering was to celebrate that yet another one of us left the fold of BiteMe. So exciting! There's only one person left over there that we'd like to see get a job that doesn't make him miserable and then that place can go rot in hell. Actually, I guess that's what it's doing here on Earth, so good enough. As long as they're no longer tormenting any of my friends.

Miserable workplaces are the worst. I've only had a few, thankfully. It's amazing to me how dysfunctional many businesses are. But I guess that's to be expected -- after all, I heard somewhere that there's a ridiculously large percentage of people in the world that are sociopaths. Probably an even higher percentage among boss-types, if you think of it, because a good sociopath can mold him or herself into whatever they need to be -- and lots of companies like that! No free thinkers allowed, please. And logical people? Better wear a helmet.

Anyway, enough of that. It's Thursday, and the day is more than half over, and since the boss that I do most of my work for (who, thankfully, is NOT a sociopath) is taking the day off tomorrow I might just have to see about leaving early. I love to leave early! No traffic, no more work for 2 days . . . I'm giddy at the thought.

Until then, I think I better dive back into MS Publisher and see if I can make a decent looking newsletter. Lunch is over now anyway, and I got nuttin' left to say!


Blogger a beer sort of girl said...

Queen of the dysfunctional workplace, right here! :) Your lunch sounds SO much better than mine was. I have lunch envy.

5/19/2005 1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you're planning on leaving a little earlier tomorrow are you?

I'll show you a sociopath, if I catch your chicken parmagiana eatin butt leaving work early!

5/19/2005 1:42 PM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

BG ~ Lunch envy. Sweet!

Anon ~ I didn't say I was gonna do it on the SLY, sista/brotha! My boss will know about it so phgphpthpghpthpghptpghphtttthtpt!

5/19/2005 2:06 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

You have been tagged for a movie meme :-)

5/20/2005 1:57 AM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...


I'm making my way through my Aloha Pineapple Jamba Juice as I write, will have the rest of my leftovers for lunch, and will leave work between 3:30-4:00. It's gonna be a good day!

5/20/2005 9:00 AM  

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