
Ahhhhhhh Saturday

I swear I live for Saturdays now!

Things are actually okay at work right now, and hopefully will keep getting better. But no matter what the best days are days when I don't wake up to an alarm, on someone else's schedule! So I slept in a little and the husband and I had breakfast burritos and now I just need to take a shower and do whatever I want 'til we go to a friend's BBQ later this afternoon. Works for me. Maybe I should work out first. Well, no maybe about that, the only question is will I do it. I suck! I guess I better get to it before I talk myself out of it.

It's supposed to be 90 degrees today, and 78 degrees tomorrow. By Monday they're talking rain. Last week it was funnel clouds. Lewis Black is right -- the world is rapidly coming to an end!

The husband is talking about going downtown for lunch. That means he wants something. Hold, please . . . Yup, he wants to go to an aquarium down there to buy some things for his saltwater tank. I'd have to drag him kicking and screaming down there if he didn't want something! Such a child!

Guess I better run. Ciao!


Blogger grace said...

boys are babies. it's sad, yeah? heh.

5/15/2005 10:51 AM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Grrace: mmm hmm!

J.D.: HA!

5/15/2005 2:22 PM  

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