
So Much for My Workout

Ugh, I am just not motivated for that this week! I only went to bed a half hour earlier than I usually do, and it was not enough. It doesn't help that it's also still dark outside when I wake up. And that our bed is only a few weeks old. And we have new sheets. And new pillows. And my cat comes up and plops down on me as soon as we wake up every morning. YOU try breaking the force field that holds me down in my bed! Ah, well, there's always tomomorrow *wink* *wink*.

It's beauuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful outside today, just like yesterday. Makes me wanna move my desk outside. Or leave my desk and go do something else. Even better. Well, maybe since it'll be light out later I can go work out after work. Maybe.

I read a dumb funny that amused me the other day: If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose? It's a good visual.

The other thing rolling around in my mind right now is Lewis Black's suggested alternative for terrorist threat advisories: instead of green, blue, yellow, orange and red, we'd have:

Jesus Christ!
God Damn It!
Fuck Me!

I do love him.


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