
Happy Birthday to Roo!

My best friend from high school had a baby 6 years ago today. We call him Roo (like in Winnie the Pooh). Six! Not a baby anymore, but a little boy. Cute as a button. I couldn't go to his birthday celebration today because they were having it while I was still at work. I remember being in the hospital and holding momma's hand when Roo made his debut. Now he goes to school, plays soccer, and kicks butt in Uno Attack. Where does all the time go? He'll probably be 12 before I finally decide what I'm gonna be when I grow up (which would make me 39 -- aaaaagh!). I'd better get moving on that!

I did go to my interview on Friday, and it went well -- but the HR Manager did mention that I've been moving around a bit lately. She's right -- I just haven't found the right situation for me yet. This position would actually an improvement in several areas. Unfortunately, I think she already interviewed someone that she was leaning toward hiring and though there's an attorney with the firm now that I worked with previously (who kindly vouched for me), she may already be a shoo-in. But nothing says something won't open up in the future. I could probably stay there indefinitely while I work on other endeavors. Meanwhile, I'm trying to make the best of the job I have and doing what I can to make it interesting. I'm supposed to be having my first review soon and I'll be interested to see how that turns out. I don't work half as hard here as I did at other firms, and though I've asked repeatedly for more challenging work, I continue to do stuff that I could do in my sleep. Well, at least the lawyers I work with are nice.

So it's 7:30 on Tuesday, I'm on my 2nd Mirror Pond Pale Ale and SO wish it was Friday! Ah, well, it's a few days off and I have an easy work week ahead of me.

We had our new bed delivered last night. It's so high! It's a taller mattress than the one we had before, and the box spring is also taller -- I guess we had a low-profile box spring before and I didn't know that until we got this one. So it sits up high, a little too high for the bed we have, so I have to find a way to make it look right unless we want to exchange the regular box spring for a low-profile one. I don't think we want to do that, so I have my work cut out for me. Anyway, it's nice to sleep in. Big fat pillow top mamma jamma. Works for us!

I'm off to catch up on my soap. More later.


Blogger a beer sort of girl said...

Hmmmm, pillow topped new mattress...I want one.

3/24/2005 10:06 AM  

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