Spring Has Sprung!

It rained like hell last night! But only for a while, and it started pretty late -- after 10:30. The thunder was pretty impressive, if short-lived. Unfortunately for the friends we had over last night, they were just heading home when it started -- but they made it home alright. Today it's sort of drizzling off and on. I like this weather, but I am really looking forward to some pretty spring days. We don't get that much of it around here before summer weather hits (summer doesn't pay attention to the calendar in these parts), so we have to enjoy it while it lasts. I think spring is kind of like New Year's . . . another fresh start. Since I was sick through most of the winter, I plan to enjoy my spring and get going on some things I've been putting off! I have some painting to do around the house . . . some more clean-up (though I've pretty much weeded out everything we wanted to get rid of), some decorating, some EXERCISING! Time to get back to it! It's after noon already, and I have yet to take a shower. So, off I go -- to take that shower, organize some papers, catch up on some reading and to work out!
I hope everyone out there enjoys the first day of spring. :0)
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