
Leave My Kitty Alone!

Wow. Okay, so an article I just read says "This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed" so I guess I'll have to summarize and paraphrase to make my point. Apparently, there is a hunter in Madison, Wisconsin who wants stray DOMESTIC cats to be classified, by whomever makes these determinations, as an "unprotected species" so that anyone with a small-game license can shoot it. This hunter, who also happens to be a firefighter, likes birds but not cats and feels that they are intruding if they cross his property -- so he thinks he should be able to just shoot them. Interesting point of view from someone who makes a living saving lives -- and not always just human lives!

So these cats that wander around attack wild birds. Um, helloooo, it's called the fucking food chain, genius. I realize organizations exist to try to maintain some kind of control over population issues, but this is ridiculous. In a nutshell, this is what I think about hunters and/or individuals with guns: if you are gonna shoot something, it better be about to kill you or you damned well better eat it! Otherwise call animal control and find something better to do, you sadistic fuck.

Unfortunately, this is not just the random musings of some deranged hunter. This is an actual proposal that will be voted upon by hunters during hearings for the Wisconsin Conservation Congress across the state. I guess this group serves in an advisory capacity for state officials responsible for natural resource issues. I'm no tree-hugging, PETA card carrying, non-leather wearing activist, so take this as the opinion of an average individual who just happened to hear about it while scanning the news -- this SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! I agree that feral cat problems should be contained, but arming the public to do it is not the way. Who the hell is going to regulate these people deciding whether or not a cat is feral? Sometimes peoples' cats get loose and lost -- and their collars, if their owners care about such things, have a release feature on them that prevent them from getting strangled if their collar gets caught on something.

Check out this site to see the full text of the proposal: http://www.dontshootthecat.com (sorry, I couldn't get the link to work so you'll have to cut & paste).

I don't even have anything else to say about it. I'm just disgusted.


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