
I forgot to mention . . .

I saw the interview Jamie Foxx had on Inside the Actor's Studio recently and it was one of the more interesting interviews I've seen. I always knew he'd been on In Living Color, which spawned one of my favorites -- Jim Carrey -- but had no idea how talented he really is. That man can play piano and sing well enough to put out his own record. Really. Not the same way that some entertainers think they can put out a record that sounds good . . . I mean that he is Brian McKnight good (if you don't know who that is, I can't help you). I kind of hope he doesn't do that any time soon, though, because lately he's been everywhere on TV and showcasing those very talents to the point that he could be in danger of overexposure. Not that I'm an expert on it, but I think if he waited a while for the Oscar buzz to die down and (if he hasn't already) started working on an album he could blow it up in a year or two. At least, that's my $.02.

If you haven't ever watched Inside the Actor's Studio (on Bravo), I highly recommend it. If you care to learn about actors, acting, movies and theater (in particular and in general), it's great. These people go there and give interviews that encompass the performer's lives from birth to present and they're not there to promote anything or discuss romantic relationships -- just their lives growing up and their work. There have been several actors that I thought "ah, I don't really care about this one, maybe I'll pass" but then I'll start to watch and find out that these people are so much deeper and more interesting and complex than any magazine could hope to catch in a paragraph or even a sit-down interview. James Lipton (the host) should moonlight for the CIA, if he doesn't already because that man has a way of getting information that even the actors barely recall or thought was well hidden!



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