It's taken me all this time to bother to check it out and get one of my own. Then I forgot about it 'til I posted on someone else's blog today. My Beavis & Butthead popped up! Heh heh . . . she said "popped up." Heh heh.
Fun stuff.
Fun stuff.
I'm confused. What are you writing about?
Oh -- the little doo-dad that pops up when you leave comments in people's Haloscans. I don't have Haloscan on my blog, so I never thought about it. But I wanted to be like the cool kid with their little pics next to their comments in Haloscan!
It's really not noteworthy but I was amused.
I was confused too. Ok. I'll look for your comments on Haloscan to see if I can see Beavis.
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