

When, in the name of all that is holy, are we gonna get off this slippery slope?

So we went to Reno. The trip up was a breeze. Checking in was uneventful. Dinner was good. The concert was GREAT. Let me emphasize GREAT. Fan-fucking-tastic, even. Aaron Lewis is the shit. He was sick with the flu, trying not to hurl on stage, and gave a kick-ass performance. As the article I read before we went up said, it was just him, a bar stool, and his guitar. His voice is amazing . . . and powerful. In addition to his own music, he played "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd (I swear I almost got misty-eyed hearing him play it), "Piano Man" by Billy Joel, "Patience" by Guns & Roses, and a few others I can't remember right now. He also played something from Beetlejuice and something that Kermit the Frog sings -- even when ill, he had a sense of humor and kept things pretty light. Except, that is, when addressing all the dumbfucks in the crowd who wouldn't shut their yaps. Lots of drunk assholes in the crowd, and this was a rather intimate setting, relatively speaking -- you could hear everything and sometimes it threw him off. I really enjoyed it when he told people to shut the fuck up. Anyway, he made it through, and played for an hour and a half.

The husband gambled a bit, and managed to win a little money -- he didn't really come out ahead, but he didn't lose anything either. Blackjack was pretty good to him.

The next morning we got up and decided to hit the road in case it snowed. Well, it did. A lot. We got caught up in fucking blizzard conditions crossing the summit and had to put chains on on the side of the highway while praying one of the semis or other cars, trucks and jeeps going by wouldn't slide into us or my Pathfinder. Took over half an hour. The best part? The excess chain that we couldn't bind that beat the shit out of the rear wheel wells, inside and out. Took a foot-long, three inch wide strip of paint on the rear passenger door down to the sheet metal. Put a hole in a built-in mudflap, or whatever the hell it is. Broke some vent or something having to do with the emissions system. Not that we didn't know it was happening -- we were painfully aware of this the whole way through -- but there was no place to pull off safely to deal with it, and other vehicles were sliding all over the fucking highway -- and all the exits were covered in goddamned snow -- so we had to drive until chain controls ended.

Yeah, about $4,500 worth of damage -- and that was just the preliminary estimate. Know what else this means? We have two claims on our insurance in the span of 2 months -- 1 collision (his), and now 1 comp (mine). We haven't even settled the claim for the separate collision where someone else rear-ended him in November yet.

So yeah, that's mostly what I remember about this weekend. From Saturday morning forward, I've been nothing but sick to my stomach over some stupid shit!

Should've stayed over another day -- the next day there were no chain controls -- but we were supposed to be home because his daughter was supposed to be dropped off at our house that night. Of course, we never heard from the stepdaughter's mother until Monday night, but what the fuck ever! Fucking inconsiderate people.

I'm a little bitter.

I'll get over it; but it'll take some time. It took a monumental effort on my part to even log on and write this! We need a major windfall or some other wonderful stroke of luck -- pronto.

Ciao for now.


Blogger peachy said...

Oh no!! I can't believe it. 4500 dollars?! Maybe you can get a cheaper estimate even though that's money you hadn't planned on spending.

At least the concert was good.

1/19/2006 5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate insurance companies. The least they could do is lube up.

1/19/2006 11:47 AM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Peachy: We're just pressing ahead with the repairs -- the insurance company is footing the bill save our $500 deductible (of course, I have not doubt they will get us back come renewal time).

T: Thanks . . .

LBB: I think they're trained to treat customers with claims as perps from the outset -- not all of 'em are bad, but I just have this sense of doom through all of this!

1/19/2006 12:00 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

I'm sure you'll look back and laugh at this at some point...with the proper medication perhaps.

1/19/2006 12:19 PM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Tracy: Perhaps -- but I doubt it! Ooh, except the part where the husband got doused with a tsunami of water when a semi rolled by as he was removing the chains. That water washed over half the Pathfinder -- and I was safely inside. I was mad at him, and he deserved it!

1/19/2006 1:45 PM  

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