
A lovely cheese pizza just for me

Well, it was really for me and the husband. But it was gooo-ooo-oood. I was planning on cooking tonight -- but I've been so busy at work, I haven't even taken a lunch break for the past 2 days and I won't get one tomorrow because we have a staff meeting so tonight I wasn't cooking. We went out for a cheese pizza and some goofy sticks -- so lots of dough and cheese for us tonight. We split a pitcher of Sac Brewing Company Hefeweizen. The husband didn't like it as much as I did, but I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy now so who cares?

I'm splitting time right now between meeting the demands of my old job and learning the new one. I can't wait 'til this transition is through! I like it already. Last night I spent a few hours at home working on the newsletter because I haven't had time at work. I felt much better after having made that progress. Tonight I've been doing some reading relating to the new position. I mean, honestly -- I know every day isn't going to be a love-fest, but between what I'm gonna get to do every day from now on and the newsletter, well, I just don't know how the hell it happened. But I'm gonna do everything I can to blow people away. AND, and, and, I actually dragged my sorry butt into the gym this morning. Yes I did! I'm gonna do it tomorrow, too.

Things are good. On the one hand, I don't feel like I deserve it; on the other hand, I feel like I've been working toward this my whole life. Now, if I could just find a way to get myself published on the side, well, I don't know what the hell I'd do with myself. Maybe have a baby? Now is definitely not a good time. But the clock is ticking. And, in all honesty, I've always done better when I've had an impossible number of things to do. Somehow I thrive under that. Let's just say that if I was suddenly pregnant I probably wouldn't freak out. Anyway, work is a blast right now and I feel like the sky is the limit.

Time to go catch up on some Tivo. I deserve a break!


Blogger a beer sort of girl said...

Of course you deserve it! Like you said, you've worked to earn it. Enjoy, and don't forget to relax in between.

10/18/2005 9:00 PM  
Blogger grace said...

so... are you suddenly prego? :P hehe

10/19/2005 10:49 AM  

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