

You'd think after a week of vacation in a beautiful coastal town I'd be all relaxed and refreshed and ready to go . . . but I'm not. I was relaxed and refreshed while I was there, but now I'm back. Back to the same ol' same ol'. I'm already tired of schlepping through traffic to get downtown. Traffic today was a giant pain in the ass. The freeway was jammed so I didn't even bother. However, my Plan B route was also jammed, down to 1 lane. It took me about 15 minutes to get a mile away from my house. It should only take me a total of 30 minutes to get from my house to work. So yeah, that didn't happen. WHY did I not, earlier in life, find a way to work from home? The commute is about 70% of my stress, I think. I hate it. Cue violins, please.

Anyway, I'm still working on putting the house back together, trying to organize some things, and realizing we just have no storage in the house -- so either we need to get rid of more stuff, or we need to buy some furniture that can hold more stuff. Because the closets are all jammed with shit and things just pile up. I need to start listing some stuff on ebay, donating it to goodwill, or have a damned garage sale. Something! When I'm at work I think about all the things I need to do when I get off work. When I'm off work, I don't want to do any of those things. What the hell is the matter with me?! I think I'm tired of running on the wheel. Vacations only make me want to be on vacation some more. I really only am working for money at this point. Excluding the newsletter, which is fun. The rest of it I could do without. I feel a change coming on. But what?


Blogger grace said...

meh. real life hits you quick, right? i hate that.

10/07/2005 11:17 AM  
Blogger peachy said...

Prostitution? Just kidding.
Check out some job sites and maybe you'll find something that interests you. At least you're moving in the right direction.

10/08/2005 4:18 PM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Tracey: I feel ya!

Grrrace: Mmm hmm!

Peachy: HA. Hopefully I won't have to move at all. As far as my field and my city, I'm in a great place. I just need them to realize they need me for more than I'm doing now!

10/13/2005 12:15 AM  

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