
How wa$ your week?

I had to replace my tires this week. All of 'em. $830 some-odd dollars. Gah! I went in for what I hoped would be a flat repair (caught a nail) and not only did I have a nail, but in another part of my tire I had about a 2-3 inch slice all the way through my tire. They said whatever I ran over must've been big. Well, it was also invisible because I didn't see or feel it! Then they told me all my tires were about ready to go. Not a surprise, exactly, but I had to laugh -- went from a free flat repair to an $830 bill. Oh, well.

Oh, and last week I had a repair to my exhaust tubes to the tune of about $220. Then, of course, there was the muffler replacement last month . . . f'ing car problems! That's about $1,200 in repairs in the last month!

Makes me wanna go shopping.

The only things I want right now are an armoire for the bedroom and a cell phone. Oh, and a new leather tote. Maybe some more work clothes. That's not so much, right?

The husband and I went to the gym today for our first workout of the year. I was kind of surprised he went with me . . . at 8 a.m. even! Might have had something to do with the fact that we watched all but the last 25 minutes of "Supersize Me" last night. Blech. Gotta finish watching that after the big Eagle game.

Well, maybe . . . if the Eagles win. Otherwise, all bets are off.

I'm still working on getting things organized, but I've gotten a few things done I've been meaning to do for a while -- like rolling my IRA into my current employer's 401k plan, taking care of some other financial things, finally getting my butt into the gym . . . and we added a VIP component to our gym membership today so we can take the husband's daughter w/us when she's here -- or anyone -- it's actually good for taking along anyone I want whenever I want and it's only gonna cost us $15.00 a month. Anyone wanna go to the gym w/us?

I bought some different beer today 'cuz I wanted something other than Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I got Sac Brewing Company IPA, and hated it. The husband likes it, though, so he's drinking it. I actually went back out to find something else! I got some Lost Coast Brewing Company Great White beer -- an unfiltered beer. It's just okay. I like it better than the Sac Brewing Company IPA, though. I also got some Smirnoff Twisted V Black Cherry stuff that's alright. Nothing to write home about, but drinkable.

I guess I need to go to BevMo to get what I really wanted, which was Arrogant Bastard IPA. That stuff is great! The regular Arrogant Bastard Ale is rough -- but the IPA I could drink all day. I was too lazy to go to BevMo today -- hence the Great White and the Smirnoff.

Alrighty, the dog is barking to get out and do his business -- sounds like a good place to end!


Blogger pixie said...

Sorry to hear about your tires. That bites!!!

1/16/2007 8:21 PM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

The car ran me almost two hundred for heater repairs that don't seem to have changed anything....

I feel your pain.

1/17/2007 8:27 PM  

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