
Sundays don't suck anymore

I used to get that Sunday evening dread. You know the one -- if you've ever had a job you hated or were just over. I was over mine. Now that I've moved on, I couldn't be happier. Sunday is once again a very relaxing day, and the weekends don't feel like they're gone in the blink of an eye. I look forward to Mondays! Crazy, but true.

However, for some reason my right eye is twitching. It was doing this a couple of years ago, too, even though I didn't feel particularly stressed out at the time. But the doctor thought it was stress. I think the school of thought on random eye twitching is stress, fatigue, or caffeine -- or a combination of those things. I don't feel stressed out, but I could be -- just the stress of change, I suppose. The unknown. Fatigue? Entirely possible. I've been pushing it, kind of burning the candle at both ends. I have to work on that. Caffeine? Probably not. I don't drink coffee, and don't drink copious quantities of soda. So Maybe a little stress and fatigue. Sounds like a good excuse for a facial or a bubble bath surrounded by candles or just laying around in bed, no?

Anyway, it was a pretty good weekend: I made a nice lasagna Friday night, and knocked back a few beers while I caught up on my Tivo. Saturday I took the stepdaughter to the park and played tennis for a while (or tried -- we kinda suck), and balanced our rackets on our palms and bounced the tennis balls off 'em while flipping our wrists. We spotted a praying mantis on the court and stopped to pick it up, check it out, and move it to another spot so it wouldn't be snuffed out by a tennis ball. Later she and I and the husband met my father downtown for lunch at the Hard Rock, then I took them all to see my office as they've never been. After that, we ran a couple of errands then hung out at home. I baked some cookies called "snowballs," which were basically chocolate chip cookies made only with butter, powdered sugar, vanilla, salt, flour and chocolate chips (no eggs, no brown sugar). You roll the dough into little balls and bake 'em for about 9 minutes. They're pretty good, but we decided they needed a little something. Thus begins "baking season."

The stepdaughter had a friend spend the night, which was good, but I got sucked into playing board games -- which were fun, but, after 3+ hours of that I was exhausted. All in all, a good day. Until the stepdaughter pissed me off. At 11:30, I finally gave up on the board games, and was cleaning up the kitchen a bit before heading off to bed. The husband was playing video games and such, and the stepdaughter was hovering for some reason, then started to walk off with something in her hand that she was clearly trying to hide. So I went to her room and saw one of the cordless phones sitting on her dresser and told her I'd take it and put it back on its base. I went back to cleaning up, then off to my room. Shortly thereafter, the stepdaughter comes into my room and says goodnight, which she never really does, and says she's going to put her TV on the sleep timer (as I had suggested to her previously) so the TV wouldn't end up blaring all night after she fell asleep. I thought that sort of odd, but went back to what I was doing. Then I noticed the phone was gone again. I went to her room, asked if she had the phone and she said she did. I asked her who she thought was was going to call at 11:30 at night and she said "my friend." I informed her that no 11-year old was going to be making phone calls to anyone at 11:30 at night and asked for the phone back. She said she'd put it back and I said no, that I would take it right then. She asked her friend to get the phone and her friend asked where it was. The stepdaughter said it was on the bed. Not quite. It was at the head of her bed, under her pillow. Hidden. I was so pissed! I called her on her sneaky behavior and told her that that was the surest way to lose phone privileges altogether. What do 11-year olds have to talk about at 11:30 at night?! And, what do you think the parents of the kid receiving calls that late are going to think? I would be livid if some 11-year old kid called my house at 11:30!

And so it begins.

Child thinks I was born yesterday, I guess. I'm sure she didn't see it the same way I did, but to me it felt like a slap in the face after I spent most of my day with her -- and then she just turned around and tried to pull one over on me because she knew what kind of response she would get if she asked me or her father if she could call someone at 11:30 at night. That shit isn't going to fly in this house, I can tell you that! The husband, of course, was half asleep when I told him about it so it barely registered with him. I'm sure stepdaughter had some choice things to say about me to her little friend after I left the room with the phone, and I rarely really get on her case about anything other than pushing her to make her bed and not wear things with giant holes in them to school, but I am putting my foot down on stuff like that. I guess I should try not to take it personally and chalk it up to a kid testing boundaries.


Today was a more relaxing day. I switched purses (I like to alternate between bigger and smaller, I don't know why), I did some laundry, caught up on some more Tivo, did some shopping (came out only with workout clothes, but I need to do more of that -- most desperately -- so that's alright. Not much else. Just basically took it slow today. It was nice. I've gotta go make the bed now, though, because the husband is ready to go to bed and is whining about the fact that there are no sheets on it. I just made him go get them out of the dryer (easier than starting with a new set and having to fold those!).

Oh! And I wrapped 2 Christmas presents today -- one that I got for the stepdaughter last week, and one I got for my mom today. And so begins Christmas shopping as well. I'm so not ready for this. But it's coming whether I'm ready or not. Onward and upward . . .


Blogger Tracy said...

I did something similar when I was that age. Only used the phone so that my friend and I could dare each other to death about calling a girl we liked. We never did but the phone served as the prop. There is also something satisfying about 'sneaking' something from your folks in front of friends. Later on I did call that girl and talked to her on the phone...and since I didn't have much to say...pretending to was alot more fun.

11/07/2005 8:15 AM  
Blogger MamaKBear said...

11:30 at night?!? Sheesh...
When I was a kid, even as a teenager, I wasn't allowed to be on the phone after 10pm.

To this day I don't call people after 10pm unless I am absolutely certain they are up and don't mind getting calls that late.

11/07/2005 9:50 AM  
Blogger a beer sort of girl said...

I used to get on the phone really late at night too. Although nowadays, with IM and cell phones, using a real phone line is usually meant to get someone in trouble. She's just showing off, don't take it personally. I was that brat once.

11/07/2005 1:25 PM  

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