
Can't we have just one more day?

Oh, man. I'm tired. I don't feel like I got any rest this weekend! But I did get a lot done -- just not enough. Laundry, dishes, other housecleaning -- still largely undone. We got the dog to go potty outside a few dozen times, though! Progress.

Our new stove gets delivered tonight. That'll be nice. I think I solved the mystery of the oven fire, too. I was looking at the remnants of whatever it was that caught fire in there, and as I studied it I looked up and saw something similar in the kitchen. A foreign object. Not food. And not something I ever would have thought would have made its way into the oven. A fucking magnetic CHIP CLIP! Seriously, a chip clip. I showed the husband and he says "it must have come from a bag of fries or something." Well, yes, perhaps, but how the hell does one drop something like that in the oven and not know it? I think we have a bit of a stalemate about how it got in there. I'm about 99.9% sure it was him because he uses the oven for that stuff often and is always in a hurry. So I guess the wire on the thing arced with the heating element on the bottom and the rest of it just went up in flames. Part of it is melted to the foil I had lining the bottom of the oven, and the rest of it is the twisted, melty mess that's been sitting on the kitchen counter since I put the fire out. Jesus Christ! So I guess from now on in addition to peeking in to make sure there are no baking sheets or runaway fries lingering in there before I turn it on, I have to look for chip clips and other junk, too.

That's a hell of a way to get a new oven. I mean, I've wanted to replace it for sometime but did it have to happen like that? And how stupid! I can just imagine the fire department. "Ma'am, your house burned to the ground because there was a chip clip in your oven." WTF?

The husband thinks I'm being overly dramatic because he says the oven is designed to withstand high heat. Sure, but even so the temp can only be turned up to 500 or broil -- how hot is fire? Can't it get into the thousands? Maybe it would have snuffed itself out, and maybe other things would have shorted out and caught on fire w/it. The oven was ON when it caught on fire, so that had to have added to it. Plus, I'm the one cleaning the shit up and blowing it out my nose, so I dispute that I am being overly dramatic!

Anyway. Speaking of things that freaked me out this weekend, I just remembered something else. I was running around yesterday buying this and that for the house, and for my best friend's wedding, and was at one of my last stops at a store when someone approached me in the parking lot. I had just pulled into a parking space and gotten out of the car, and was headed for the store's entrance when I heard a raspy voice say, "good morning ma'am." Seeing as I was alone and that it was in fact about 5:30 or 6:00 p.m., I kept on walking w/o looking back. Again, I hear "morning, ma'am." "morning, ma'am." I could see in the reflection in the store window that some guy was following me and not giving up. I went into the store and disappeared into the racks and the guy followed me into the store! He never did find me, but that was a little unsettling. I was in a store full of people and still wondering what the hell I was going to do if he found me. In the parking lot, I figured the guy was probably selling something or just wanted money. But when he followed me into the store I thought, "psycho." It sucks that I feel the need to think that way, but then I think about turning around and seeing someone pull a weapon on me. No one ever thinks that will happen to them, and that seems to be when stuff like that happens. So there's some guy out there following people around in a parking lot. Leave me alone!

Wow, it's already almost quarter after 6. And here I thought I was going to spend a half hour cleaning up around here and head to the gym at 6. The best intentions . . .

Guess I'd better get my butt in gear! Happy Monday.


Blogger peachy said...

I would've gone into the store right near the register.

Anyone who is saying 'good morning' at 6pm is up to no good.

Congrats on the new oven.

8/21/2006 3:01 PM  
Blogger PlatinumGirl said...

Peachy: I know, it was creepy! Thanks -- the new oven is purtiful. The husband is all set to bake cookies to break it in!

8/21/2006 7:23 PM  
Blogger pixie said...

It does suck that we have to think that way but better to be safe than sorry. My mom was robbed by a guy who was just trying to make "friendly" talk to her. She's not so nice anymore.

8/22/2006 2:45 PM  

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